
GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 05 - About Inverses and Pseudo-Inverses

Last week, I implemented a V-BLAST encoder which demultiplexes a data stream into M parallel streams that are simultaneously sent through the same channel. This was a really simple task which granted us a data rate increase of factor M without the need of a complex transmitter complexity.

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 04 - Spatial Multiplexing

At the first half of the week, I finished the doxygen documentation for the already implemented MIMO modules. I have now completed all milestones of the first coding period

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 03 - Documentation

I think about the proposed MIMO feature not just as a functioning tool but as well as an instructive and attractive feature for GNU Radio beginners to understand MIMO. Therefore, I started to write a little in-tree top-level documentation which includes both, an introduction to the theoretical background of MIMO and a practical usage manual of all the GNU Radio blocks which are included in the section MIMO.

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 02 - Differential STBC

I implemented a differential STBC as another useful MIMO scheme for GNU Radio.

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 01 - Alamouti Code

The famous Alamouti Code is now a part of GNU Radio’s basic MIMO capability! Read more about the Alamouti code itself and my implementation in this article.

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