►Ngnuradio | |
►Ndetail | |
Csptr_magic | |
►Ngr | GNU Radio logging wrapper |
►Nanalog | |
►Nkernel | |
Cagc_cc | High performance Automatic Gain Control class for complex signals |
Cagc_ff | High performance Automatic Gain Control class for float signals |
Cagc2_cc | High performance Automatic Gain Control class |
Cagc2_ff | |
Cagc2_cc | High performance Automatic Gain Control class with attack and decay rates |
Cagc2_ff | High performance Automatic Gain Control class with attack and decay rates |
Cagc3_cc | High performance Automatic Gain Control class with attack and decay rates |
Cagc_cc | High performance Automatic Gain Control class |
Cagc_ff | High performance Automatic Gain Control class |
Ccpfsk_bc | Perform continuous phase 2-level frequency shift keying modulation on an input stream of unpacked bits |
Ccpm | Return the taps for an interpolating FIR filter (gr::filter::interp_fir_filter_fff) |
Cctcss_squelch_ff | Gate or zero output if CTCSS tone not present |
Cdpll_bb | Detect the peak of a signal |
Cfastnoise_source | Random number source |
Cfeedforward_agc_cc | Non-causal AGC which computes required gain based on max absolute value over nsamples |
Cfmdet_cf | Implements an IQ slope detector |
Cfrequency_modulator_fc | Frequency modulator block |
Cnoise_source | Random number source |
Cphase_modulator_fc | Phase modulator block |
Cpll_carriertracking_cc | Implements a PLL which locks to the input frequency and outputs the input signal mixed with that carrier |
Cpll_freqdet_cf | Implements a PLL which locks to the input frequency and outputs an estimate of that frequency. Useful for FM Demod |
Cpll_refout_cc | Implements a PLL which locks to the input frequency and outputs a carrier |
Cprobe_avg_mag_sqrd_c | Compute avg magnitude squared |
Cprobe_avg_mag_sqrd_cf | Compute avg magnitude squared |
Cprobe_avg_mag_sqrd_f | Compute avg magnitude squared |
Cpwr_squelch_cc | Gate or zero output when input power below threshold |
Cpwr_squelch_ff | Gate or zero output when input power below threshold |
Cquadrature_demod_cf | Quadrature demodulator: complex in, float out |
Crail_ff | Clips input values to min, max |
Crandom_uniform_source | Uniform Random Number Generator |
Csig_source | Signal generator with T output |
Csimple_squelch_cc | Simple squelch block based on average signal power and threshold in dB |
Csquelch_base_cc | Basic squelch block; to be subclassed for other squelches |
Csquelch_base_ff | Basic squelch block; to be subclassed for other squelches |
►Naudio | |
Csink | Creates a sink from an audio device |
Csource | Creates a source from an audio device |
►Nblocks | |
►Nkernel | |
Cblock_interleaving | |
Cpack_k_bits | Converts a vector of bytes with 1 bit in the LSB to a byte with k relevant bits |
Cunpack_k_bits | Converts a byte with k relevant bits to k output bytes with 1 bit in the LSB |
Cabs_blk | Output[m] = abs(input[m]) for all M streams |
Cadd_blk | Output = sum(input[0], input[1], ..., input[M-1]) |
Cadd_const_bb | Output = input + constant |
Cadd_const_cc | Output = input + constant |
Cadd_const_ff | Output = input + constant |
Cadd_const_ii | Output = input + constant |
Cadd_const_ss | Output = input + constant |
Cadd_const_v | Output[m] = input[m] + constant vector for all M streams |
Cand_blk | Output = input[0] & input[1] & ... & input[M-1] |
Cand_const | Output[m] = input[m] & value for all M streams |
Cannotator_1to1 | 1-to-1 stream annotator testing block. FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY |
Cannotator_alltoall | All-to-all stream annotator testing block. FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY |
Cannotator_raw | Raw stream annotator testing block |
Cargmax | Compares vectors from multiple streams and determines the index in the vector and stream number where the maximum value occurred |
Cblockinterleaver_xx | Fully parameterizable block interleaver |
Cburst_tagger | Sets a burst on/off tag based on the value of the trigger input |
Cchar_to_float | Convert stream of chars to a stream of float |
Cchar_to_short | Convert stream of chars to a stream of shorts |
Ccheck_lfsr_32k_s | Sink that checks if its input stream consists of a lfsr_32k sequence |
Ccomplex_to_arg | Complex in, arg (arctan) out (float) |
Ccomplex_to_float | Convert a stream of gr_complex to 1 or 2 streams of float |
Ccomplex_to_imag | Produces the imaginary part (as a float) of a complex stream |
Ccomplex_to_interleaved_char | Convert stream of complex to a stream of interleaved chars |
Ccomplex_to_interleaved_short | Convert stream of complex to a stream of interleaved shorts |
Ccomplex_to_mag | Complex in, magnitude out (float) |
Ccomplex_to_mag_squared | Complex in, magnitude squared out (float) |
Ccomplex_to_magphase | Convert a stream of gr_complex to magnitude and phase (both floats) |
Ccomplex_to_real | Produces the real part (as a float) of a complex stream |
Cconjugate_cc | Output = complex conjugate of input |
Ccontrol_loop | A second-order control loop implementation class |
Ccopy | Output[i] = input[i] |
Ccorrectiq | This block to removes that center frequency IQ DC spike with an IIR filter |
Ccorrectiq_auto | This block to removes that center frequency IQ DC spike with a slight variation. It automatically calculates the offset then switches to straight DC offset mode to prevent any possible IIR filtering after it's been tuned. However, if frequency or upstream gain is changed, it must retune, so frequency and upstream gain are all taken as parameters and monitored for changes |
Ccorrectiq_man | This block provides a mechanism to manually provide a real and imaginary signal offset. Very similar to a complex add block, the block supports dynamic updating on the values |
Cswap_iq | This block will transpose the I and Q channels (Swap IQ) to correct for spectrally inverted inputs |
Cctrlport_probe2_b | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cctrlport_probe2_c | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cctrlport_probe2_f | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cctrlport_probe2_i | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cctrlport_probe2_s | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cctrlport_probe_c | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cdeinterleave | Deinterleave an input block of samples into N outputs |
Cdelay | Delay the input by a certain number of samples |
Cdivide | Output = input[0] / input[1] / ... / input[M-1] |
Cendian_swap | Convert stream of items into their byte swapped version |
Cexponentiate_const_cci | Exponentiates a complex stream with an integer exponent |
Cfile_descriptor_sink | Write stream to file descriptor |
Cfile_descriptor_source | Read stream from file descriptor |
Cfile_meta_sink | Write stream to file with meta-data headers |
Cfile_meta_source | Reads stream from file with meta-data headers. Headers are parsed into tags |
Cfile_sink | Write stream to file |
Cfile_sink_base | Common base class for file sinks |
Cfile_source | Read stream from file |
Cfloat_to_char | Convert stream of floats to a stream of char |
Cfloat_to_complex | One or two floats in, complex out |
Cfloat_to_int | Convert stream of floats to a stream of ints |
Cfloat_to_short | Convert stream of floats to a stream of shorts |
Cfloat_to_uchar | Convert stream of floats to a stream of unsigned chars |
Chead | Stop after processing the first N items |
Chost_buffer_copy | Copy using host_buffer testing block. FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY |
Cint_to_float | Convert stream of ints to a stream of floats |
Cintegrate | Integrate successive samples and decimate |
Cinterleave | Interleave N inputs into a single output |
Cinterleaved_char_to_complex | Convert stream of interleaved chars to a stream of complex |
Cinterleaved_short_to_complex | Convert stream of interleaved shorts to a stream of complex |
Ckeep_m_in_n | Decimate a stream, keeping the first m items out of every n starting after offset items |
Ckeep_one_in_n | Decimate a stream, keeping the last item out of every n |
Clfsr_15_1_0 | Linear Feedback Shift Register using primitive polynomial x^15 + x + 1 |
Clfsr_32k | Generate pseudo-random sequence of length 32768 bits |
Clfsr_32k_source_s | LFSR pseudo-random source with period of 2^15 bits (2^11 shorts) |
Cmagphase_to_complex | Two floats in (mag and phase), complex out |
Cmax_blk | Compares vectors from multiple streams and determines the maximum value from each vector over all streams |
Cmessage_debug | Debug block for the message passing system |
Cmessage_strobe | Send message at defined interval |
Cmessage_strobe_random | Send message at defined interval |
Cmin_blk | Compares vectors from multiple streams and determines the minimum value from each vector over all streams |
Cmoving_average | Output is the moving sum of the last N samples, scaled by the scale factor |
Cmultiply | Output = prod (input_0, input_1, ...) |
Cmultiply_by_tag_value_cc | Output = input * complex constant |
Cmultiply_conjugate_cc | Multiplies stream 0 by the complex conjugate of stream 1 |
Cmultiply_const | Output = input * constant |
Cmultiply_const_v | Output = input * constant vector (element-wise) |
Cmultiply_matrix | Matrix multiplexer/multiplier: y(k) = A x(k) |
Cmute_blk | Output = input or zero if muted |
Cnlog10_ff | Output = n*log10(input) + k |
Cnop | Does nothing. Used for testing only |
Cnot_blk | Output = ~input |
Cnull_sink | Bit bucket. Use as a termination point when a sink is required and we don't want to do anything real |
Cnull_source | A source of zeros used mainly for testing |
Cor_blk | Output = input_0 | input_1 | , ... | input_N) |
Cpack_k_bits_bb | Converts a stream of bytes with 1 bit in the LSB to a byte with k relevant bits |
Cpacked_to_unpacked | Convert a stream of packed bytes or shorts to stream of unpacked bytes or shorts |
Cpatterned_interleaver | Interleave items based on the provided vector pattern |
Cpeak_detector | Detect the peak of a signal |
Cpeak_detector2_fb | Detect the peak of a signal |
Cphase_shift | This block will shift the incoming signal by the specified amount. Shift can be specified in either radians or degrees which is configurable in the constructor |
Cplateau_detector_fb | Detects a plateau and marks the middle |
Cprobe_rate | Throughput measurement |
Cprobe_signal | Sink that allows a sample to be grabbed from Python |
Cprobe_signal_v | Sink that allows a vector of samples to be grabbed from Python |
Cregenerate_bb | Detect the peak of a signal and repeat every period samples |
Crepack_bits_bb | Repack k bits from the input stream onto l bits of the output stream |
Crepeat | Repeat each input repeat times |
Crms_cf | RMS average power |
Crms_ff | RMS average power |
Crotator | |
Crotator_cc | Complex rotator |
Csample_and_hold | Sample and hold circuit |
Cselector | Output[output_index][i] = input[input_index][i] |
Cshort_to_char | Convert stream of shorts to a stream of chars |
Cshort_to_float | Convert stream of shorts to a stream of floats |
Cskiphead | Skips the first N items, from then on copies items to the output |
Cstream_demux | Stream demuxing block to demultiplex one stream into N output streams |
Cstream_mux | Stream muxing block to multiplex many streams into one with a specified format |
Cstream_to_streams | Convert a stream of items into a N streams of items |
Cstream_to_tagged_stream | Converts a regular stream into a tagged stream |
Cstream_to_vector | Convert a stream of items into a stream of gnuradio/blocks containing nitems_per_block |
Cstreams_to_stream | Convert N streams of 1 item into a 1 stream of N items |
Cstreams_to_vector | Convert N streams of items to 1 stream of vector length N |
Cstretch_ff | Adjust y-range of an input vector by mapping to range (max-of-input, stipulated-min). Primarily for spectral signature matching by normalizing spectrum dynamic ranges |
Csub | Output = input_0 - input_1 - ...) |
Ctag_debug | Bit bucket that prints out any tag received |
Ctag_gate | Control tag propagation |
Ctag_share | Adds tags from Input 1 onto Input 0's stream |
Ctagged_file_sink | A file sink that uses tags to save files |
Ctagged_stream_align | Align a stream to a tagged stream item |
Ctagged_stream_multiply_length | Allows scaling of a tagged stream length tag |
Ctagged_stream_mux | Combines tagged streams |
Ctags_strobe | Send tags at defined interval |
Ctest_tag_variable_rate_ff | Used for testing tag propagation |
Cthreshold_ff | Output a 1 or zero based on a threshold value |
Cthrottle | Throttle flow of samples such that the average rate does not exceed samples_per_sec |
Ctranscendental | A block that performs various transcendental math operations |
Ctsb_vector_sink | A vector sink for tagged streams |
Cuchar_to_float | Convert stream of unsigned chars to a stream of floats |
Cunpack_k_bits_bb | Converts a byte with k relevant bits to k output bytes with 1 bit in the LSB |
Cunpacked_to_packed | Convert a stream of unpacked bytes or shorts into a stream of packed bytes or shorts |
Cvco_c | VCO - Voltage controlled oscillator |
Cvco_f | VCO - Voltage controlled oscillator |
Cvector_insert | Source of T's that gets its data from a vector |
Cvector_map | Maps elements from a set of input vectors to a set of output vectors |
Cvector_sink | T sink that writes to a vector |
Cvector_source | Source that streams T items based on the input data vector |
Cvector_to_stream | Convert a stream of gnuradio/blocks of nitems_per_block items into a stream of items |
Cvector_to_streams | Convert 1 stream of vectors of length N to N streams of items |
Cwav_header_info | WAV file header information |
Cwavfile_sink | Write stream to a Microsoft PCM (.wav) file |
Cwavfile_source | Read stream from a Microsoft PCM (.wav) file, output floats |
Cxor_blk | Output = input_0 ^ input_1 ^ , ... ^ input_N) |
►Nchannels | |
Ccfo_model | Channel simulator |
Cchannel_model | Basic channel simulator |
Cchannel_model2 | Basic channel simulator allowing time-varying frequency and timing inputs |
Cdynamic_channel_model | Dynamic channel simulator |
Cfading_model | Fading simulator |
Cselective_fading_model | Fading simulator |
Cselective_fading_model2 | Fading simulator |
Csro_model | Sample Rate Offset Model |
►Ndigital | |
Cadaptive_algorithm | |
Cadaptive_algorithm_cma | |
Cadaptive_algorithm_lms | |
Cadaptive_algorithm_nlms | |
Cadditive_scrambler_bb | Scramble an input stream using an LFSR |
Cbinary_slicer_fb | Slice float binary symbol producing 1 bit output |
Cburst_shaper | Burst shaper block for applying burst padding and ramping |
Cchunks_to_symbols | Map a stream of unpacked symbol indexes to stream of float or complex constellation points in D dimensions (D = 1 by default) |
Cclock_recovery_mm_cc | Mueller and Müller (M&M) based clock recovery block with complex input, complex output |
Cclock_recovery_mm_ff | Mueller and Müller (M&M) based clock recovery block with float input, float output |
Cconstellation | An abstracted constellation object |
Cconstellation_calcdist | Calculate Euclidean distance for any constellation |
Cconstellation_sector | Sectorized digital constellation |
Cconstellation_rect | Rectangular digital constellation |
Cconstellation_expl_rect | Rectangular digital constellation |
Cconstellation_psk | Constellation_psk |
Cconstellation_bpsk | Digital constellation for BPSK |
Cconstellation_qpsk | Digital constellation for QPSK |
Cconstellation_dqpsk | Digital constellation for DQPSK |
Cconstellation_8psk | Digital constellation for 8PSK |
Cconstellation_8psk_natural | Digital constellation for natually mapped 8PSK |
Cconstellation_16qam | Digital constellation for 16qam |
Cconstellation_decoder_cb | Constellation Decoder |
Cconstellation_encoder_bc | Constellation Encoder |
Cconstellation_receiver_cb | This block makes hard decisions about the received symbols (using a constellation object) and also fine tunes phase synchronization |
Cconstellation_soft_decoder_cf | Constellation Decoder |
Ccorr_est_cc | |
Ccorrelate_access_code_bb | Examine input for specified access code, one bit at a time |
Ccorrelate_access_code_bb_ts | Examine input for specified access code, one bit at a time |
Ccorrelate_access_code_ff_ts | Examine input for specified access code, one bit at a time |
Ccorrelate_access_code_tag_bb | Examine input for specified access code, one bit at a time |
Ccorrelate_access_code_tag_ff | Examine input for specified access code, one bit at a time |
Ccostas_loop_cc | A Costas loop carrier recovery module |
Ccpmmod_bc | Generic CPM modulator |
Ccrc | Calculates a CRC |
Ccrc16_async_bb | Byte-stream CRC block for async messages |
Ccrc32_async_bb | Byte-stream CRC block for async messages |
Ccrc32_bb | Byte-stream CRC block |
Ccrc_append | Calculates and appends a CRC to a PDU |
Ccrc_check | Check the CRC at the end of a PDU |
Cdecision_feedback_equalizer | Decision Feedback Equalizer |
Cdescrambler_bb | Descramber an input stream using an LFSR |
Cdiff_decoder_bb | Differential encoder: y[0] = (x[0] - x[-1]) % M |
Cdiff_encoder_bb | Differential decoder: y[0] = (x[0] + y[-1]) % M |
Cdiff_phasor_cc | Differential decoding based on phase change |
Cfll_band_edge_cc | Frequency Lock Loop using band-edge filters |
Cframer_sink_1 | Given a stream of bits and access_code flags, assemble packets |
Cglfsr | Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register using specified polynomial mask |
Cglfsr_source_b | Galois LFSR pseudo-random source |
Cglfsr_source_f | Galois LFSR pseudo-random source generating float outputs -1.0 - 1.0 |
Chdlc_deframer_bp | HDLC deframer which takes in unpacked bits, and outputs PDU binary blobs. Frames which do not pass CRC are rejected |
Chdlc_framer_pb | HDLC framer which takes in PMT binary blobs and outputs HDLC frames as unpacked bits, with CRC and bit stuffing added. The first sample of the frame is tagged with the tag frame_tag_name and includes a length field for tagged_stream use |
Cheader_buffer | Helper class for handling payload headers |
Cheader_format_base | Base header formatter class |
Cheader_format_counter | Header formatter that adds the payload bits/symbol format and a packet number counter |
Cheader_format_crc | Header formatter that includes the payload length, packet number, and a CRC check on the header |
Cheader_format_default | Default header formatter for PDU formatting |
Cheader_format_ofdm | Header formatter that includes the payload length, packet number, and a CRC check on the header |
Cheader_payload_demux | Header/Payload demuxer (HPD) |
Clfsr | Fibonacci Linear Feedback Shift Register using specified polynomial mask |
Clinear_equalizer | Linear Equalizer block provides linear equalization using a specified adaptive algorithm |
Cmap_bb | Output[i] = map[input[i]] |
Cmeas_evm_cc | |
Cmpsk_snr_est | A parent class for SNR estimators, specifically for M-PSK signals in AWGN channels |
Cmpsk_snr_est_simple | SNR Estimator using simple mean/variance estimates |
Cmpsk_snr_est_skew | SNR Estimator using skewness correction |
Cmpsk_snr_est_m2m4 | SNR Estimator using 2nd and 4th-order moments |
Csnr_est_m2m4 | SNR Estimator using 2nd and 4th-order moments |
Cmpsk_snr_est_svr | Signal-to-Variation Ratio SNR Estimator |
Cmpsk_snr_est_cc | A block for computing SNR of a signal |
Cmsk_timing_recovery_cc | MSK/GMSK timing recovery |
Cofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc | Create frequency domain OFDM symbols from complex values, add pilots |
Cofdm_chanest_vcvc | |
Cofdm_cyclic_prefixer | Adds a cyclic prefix and performs optional pulse shaping on OFDM symbols |
Cofdm_equalizer_base | Base class for implementation details of frequency-domain OFDM equalizers |
Cofdm_equalizer_1d_pilots | |
Cofdm_equalizer_simpledfe | Simple decision feedback equalizer for OFDM |
Cofdm_equalizer_static | Very simple static equalizer for OFDM |
Cofdm_frame_equalizer_vcvc | OFDM frame equalizer |
Cofdm_serializer_vcc | Serializes complex modulations symbols from OFDM sub-carriers |
Cofdm_sync_sc_cfb | Schmidl & Cox synchronisation for OFDM |
Cpacket_header_default | Default header formatter for digital packet transmission |
Cpacket_header_ofdm | Header utility for OFDM signals |
Cpacket_headergenerator_bb | Generates a header for a tagged, streamed packet |
Cpacket_headerparser_b | Post header metadata as a PMT |
Cpacket_sink | Process received bits looking for packet sync, header, and process bits into packet |
Cpfb_clock_sync_ccf | Timing synchronizer using polyphase filterbanks |
Cpfb_clock_sync_fff | Timing synchronizer using polyphase filterbanks |
Cpn_correlator_cc | PN code sequential search correlator |
Cprobe_density_b | |
Cprobe_mpsk_snr_est_c | A probe for computing SNR of a PSK signal |
Cprotocol_formatter_async | Uses a header format object to append a header onto a PDU |
Cprotocol_formatter_bb | Uses a header format object to create a header from a tagged stream packet |
Cprotocol_parser_b | Block that synchronizes to a header based on a header format object class. Designed to accept hard bits and produce PDUs with packed bytes (pmt::u8vector) |
Cscrambler_bb | Scramble an input stream using an LFSR |
Csymbol_sync_cc | Symbol Synchronizer block with complex input, complex output |
Csymbol_sync_ff | Symbol Synchronizer block with float input, float output |
►Ndtv | |
Catsc_deinterleaver | ATSC deinterleave RS encoded ATSC data ( atsc_mpeg_packet_rs_encoded --> atsc_mpeg_packet_rs_encoded) |
Catsc_depad | ATSC depad mpeg ts packets from 256 byte atsc_mpeg_packet to 188 byte char |
Catsc_derandomizer | ATSC "dewhiten" incoming mpeg transport stream packets |
Catsc_equalizer | ATSC Receiver Equalizer |
Catsc_field_sync_mux | <+description of block+> |
Catsc_fpll | ATSC Receiver FPLL |
Catsc_fs_checker | ATSC Receiver FS_CHECKER |
Catsc_interleaver | <+description of block+> |
Catsc_pad | <+description of block+> |
Cplinfo | Pipeline info that flows with data |
Catsc_randomizer | <+description of block+> |
Catsc_rs_decoder | ATSC Receiver Reed-Solomon Decoder |
Catsc_rs_encoder | <+description of block+> |
Catsc_sync | ATSC Receiver SYNC |
Catsc_trellis_encoder | <+description of block+> |
Catsc_viterbi_decoder | ATSC Viterbi Decoder |
Ccatv_frame_sync_enc_bb | Frame Sync Encoder. Adds a 42-bit (64QAM) or 40-bit (256QAM) frame sync pattern with control word |
Ccatv_randomizer_bb | Randomizer, x^3 + x + alpha^3, 7-bit symbols |
Ccatv_reed_solomon_enc_bb | Reed Solomon Encoder, t=3, (128,122), 7-bit symbols |
Ccatv_transport_framing_enc_bb | Transport Framing Encoder. Adds a parity checksum to MPEG-2 packets |
Ccatv_trellis_enc_bb | Trellis Encoder. 14/15 (64QAM) or 19/20 (256QAM) code rate |
Cdvb_bbheader_bb | Formats MPEG-2 Transport Stream packets into FEC baseband frames and adds a 10-byte header |
Cdvb_bbscrambler_bb | Scrambles FEC baseband frames with a PRBS encoder |
Cdvb_bch_bb | Encodes a BCH ((Bose, Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem) FEC |
Cdvb_ldpc_bb | Encodes a LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) FEC |
Cdvbs2_interleaver_bb | Bit interleaves DVB-S2 FEC baseband frames |
Cdvbs2_modulator_bc | Modulates DVB-S2 frames |
Cdvbs2_physical_cc | Signals DVB-S2 physical layer frames |
Cdvbt2_cellinterleaver_cc | Cell and time interleaves QPSK/QAM modulated cells |
Cdvbt2_framemapper_cc | Maps T2 frames |
Cdvbt2_freqinterleaver_cc | Frequency interleaves a T2 frame |
Cdvbt2_interleaver_bb | Bit interleaves DVB-T2 FEC baseband frames |
Cdvbt2_miso_cc | Splits the stream for MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) |
Cdvbt2_modulator_bc | Modulates DVB-T2 cells |
Cdvbt2_p1insertion_cc | Inserts a P1 symbol |
Cdvbt2_paprtr_cc | Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction |
Cdvbt2_pilotgenerator_cc | Adds pilots to T2 frames |
Cdvbt_bit_inner_deinterleaver | Bit Inner deinterleaver |
Cdvbt_bit_inner_interleaver | Bit Inner interleaver |
Cdvbt_convolutional_deinterleaver | Convolutional deinterleaver |
Cdvbt_convolutional_interleaver | Convolutional interleaver |
Cdvbt_demap | DVB-T demapper |
Cdvbt_demod_reference_signals | Reference signals demodulator |
Cdvbt_energy_descramble | Energy descramble |
Cdvbt_energy_dispersal | Energy dispersal |
Cdvbt_inner_coder | Inner coder with Puncturing |
Cdvbt_map | DVB-T mapper |
Cdvbt_ofdm_sym_acquisition | OFDM symbol acquisition |
Cdvbt_reed_solomon_dec | Reed Solomon decoder |
Cdvbt_reed_solomon_enc | Reed Solomon encoder |
Cdvbt_reference_signals | Reference signals generator |
Cdvbt_symbol_inner_interleaver | Symbol interleaver |
Cdvbt_viterbi_decoder | DVB-T Viterbi decoder |
►Nfec | |
►Ncode | |
Ccc_decoder | Convolutional Code Decoding class |
Ccc_encoder | Convolutional Code Encoding class |
Cccsds_encoder | CCSDS Encoding class for convolutional encoding with rate 1/2, K=7, and polynomials [109, 79] |
Cdummy_decoder | Dummy Decoding class |
Cdummy_encoder | Dummy Encoding class |
Cblock_data | |
Cmatrix | |
Cfec_mtrx | Base class for FEC matrix objects |
Cldpc_bit_flip_decoder | LDPC bit flip decoding class |
Cldpc_G_matrix | Class for storing H or G matrix |
Cldpc_gen_mtrx_encoder | LDPC generator matrix encoder |
Cldpc_H_matrix | Parity check matrix in Richardson/Urbanke format |
Cldpc_par_mtrx_encoder | |
Cpolar_common | POLAR code common operations and attributes |
Cpolar_decoder_common | Class holds common methods and attributes for different decoder implementations |
Cpolar_decoder_sc | Standard successive cancellation (SC) decoder for POLAR codes |
Cpolar_decoder_sc_list | Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoder for polar codes |
Cpolar_decoder_sc_systematic | Standard systematic successive cancellation (SC) decoder for POLAR codes |
Cpolar_encoder | POLAR encoder for basic details see 'polar_common' class |
Cpolar_encoder_systematic | Systematic POLAR encoder for basic details see 'polar_common' class |
Crepetition_decoder | Repetition Decoding class |
Crepetition_encoder | Repetition Encoding class |
Casync_decoder | Creates the decoder block for use in GNU Radio flowgraphs from a given FEC API object derived from the generic_decoder class |
Casync_encoder | Creates the encoder block for use in GNU Radio flowgraphs with async message from a given FEC API object derived from the generic_encoder class |
Cber_bf | BER block in FECAPI |
Cconv_bit_corr_bb | Correlate block in FECAPI |
Cdecode_ccsds_27_fb | A rate 1/2, k=7 convolutional decoder for the CCSDS standard |
Cdecoder | General FEC decoding block that takes in a decoder variable object (derived from gr::fec::general_decoder) for use in a flowgraph |
Cdepuncture_bb | Depuncture a stream of samples |
Cencode_ccsds_27_bb | A rate 1/2, k=7 convolutional encoder for the CCSDS standard |
Cencoder | Creates the encoder block for use in GNU Radio flowgraphs from a given FECAPI object derived from the generic_encoder class |
Cgeneric_decoder | Parent class for FECAPI objects |
Cgeneric_encoder | |
Cldpc_decoder | |
Cldpc_encoder | |
Cpuncture_bb | Puncture a stream of unpacked bits |
Cpuncture_ff | Puncture a stream of floats |
Ctagged_decoder | General FEC decoding block that takes in a decoder variable object (derived from gr::fec::general_decoder) for use in a flowgraph |
Ctagged_encoder | Creates the encoder block for use in GNU Radio flowgraphs from a given FECAPI object derived from the generic_encoder class |
Ctpc_common | |
Ctpc_decoder | |
Ctpc_encoder | |
Cviterbi_state | |
►Nfft | |
Cctrlport_probe_psd | A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals |
Cplanner | Export reference to planner mutex for those apps that want to use FFTW w/o using the fft_impl_fftw* classes |
Cfft_inbuf | FFT: templated |
Cfft_inbuf< float, false > | |
Cfft_outbuf | |
Cfft_outbuf< float, true > | |
Cfft | |
Cfft_shift | Reorder FFT results which are ordered from 0 to 1 in normalized frequency to -0.5 to 0.5 by cyclic shift |
Cfft_v | Compute forward or reverse FFT. complex vector in / complex vector out |
Cgoertzel | Implements Goertzel single-bin DFT calculation |
Cgoertzel_fc | Goertzel single-bin DFT calculation |
Cwindow | |
►Nfilter | |
►Nkernel | |
Cfft_filter_fff | Fast FFT filter with float input, float output and float taps |
Cfft_filter_ccc | Fast FFT filter with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps |
Cfft_filter_ccf | Fast FFT filter with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cfilterbank | A filter bank with generic taps |
Cfir_filter | |
Cfir_filter_with_buffer_fff | FIR with internal buffer for float input, float output and float taps |
Cfir_filter_with_buffer_ccc | FIR with internal buffer for gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps |
Cfir_filter_with_buffer_ccf | FIR with internal buffer for gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps |
Ciir_filter | Base class template for Infinite Impulse Response filter (IIR) |
Cpfb_arb_resampler_ccf | Polyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cpfb_arb_resampler_ccc | |
Cpfb_arb_resampler_fff | Polyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with float input, float output and float taps |
Cpolyphase_filterbank | Polyphase filterbank parent class |
Cdc_blocker_cc | Computationally efficient controllable DC blocker |
Cdc_blocker_ff | Computationally efficient controllable DC blocker |
Cfft_filter_ccc | Fast FFT filter with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps |
Cfft_filter_ccf | Fast FFT filter with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cfft_filter_fff | Fast FFT filter with float input, float output and float taps |
Cfilter_delay_fc | Filter-Delay Combination Block |
Cfilterbank_vcvcf | Filterbank with vector of gr_complex input, vector of gr_complex output and float taps |
Cfir_filter_blk | FIR filter with IN_T input, OUT_T output, and TAP_T taps |
Cfirdes | Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter design functions |
Cfreq_xlating_fir_filter | FIR filter combined with frequency translation with IN_T input, OUT_T output and TAP_T taps |
Chilbert_fc | Generate Analytic Signal |
Ciir_filter_ccc | IIR filter with complex input, complex output, and complex taps |
Ciir_filter_ccd | IIR filter with complex input, complex output, and double taps |
Ciir_filter_ccf | IIR filter with complex input, complex output, and float taps |
Ciir_filter_ccz | IIR filter with complex input, complex output, and complex (double) taps |
Ciir_filter_ffd | IIR filter with float input, float output and double taps |
Cinterp_fir_filter | Interpolating FIR filter with IN_T input, OUT_T output and TAP_T taps |
Cival_decimator | Filter-Delay Combination Block |
Cmmse_fir_interpolator_cc | Compute intermediate samples between signal samples x(k*Ts) |
Cmmse_fir_interpolator_ff | Compute intermediate samples between signal samples x(k*Ts) |
Cmmse_interp_differentiator_cc | Compute intermediate samples of the derivative of a signal between signal samples x(k*Ts) |
Cmmse_interp_differentiator_ff | Compute intermediate samples of the derivative of a signal between signal samples x(k*Ts) |
Cmmse_resampler_cc | Resampling MMSE filter with complex input, complex output |
Cmmse_resampler_ff | Resampling MMSE filter with float input, float output |
Cpfb_arb_resampler_ccc | Polyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps |
Cpfb_arb_resampler_ccf | Polyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cpfb_arb_resampler_fff | Polyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with float input, float output and float taps |
Cpfb_channelizer_ccf | Polyphase filterbank channelizer with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cpfb_decimator_ccf | Polyphase filterbank bandpass decimator with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cpfb_interpolator_ccf | Polyphase filterbank interpolator with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Cpfb_synthesizer_ccf | Polyphase synthesis filterbank with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps |
Crational_resampler | Rational Resampling Polyphase FIR filter with IN_T input, OUT_T output and TAP_T taps |
Csingle_pole_iir | Class template for single pole IIR filter |
Csingle_pole_iir< gr_complex, i_type, double > | |
Csingle_pole_iir_filter_cc | Single pole IIR filter with complex input, complex output |
Csingle_pole_iir_filter_ff | Single pole IIR filter with float input, float output |
►Niio | |
Cattr_sink | Generic writer for attributes of IIO devices |
Cattr_source | Generic reader for attributes of IIO devices |
Cattr_updater | Generic helper block to create message in a format that will be accepted by the IIO Attribute Sink Block |
Cdds_control | Control block for DDSs which are available in controlling FPGAs of certain IIO drivers |
Cdevice_sink | Generic sink for IIO drivers with buffered input channels |
Cdevice_source | Generic source for IIO drivers with buffered output channels |
Cfmcomms2_sink | Device specific sink for FMComms evaluation cards |
Cfmcomms2_source | Device specific source for FMComms evaluation cards |
Ciio_param_t | |
►Nmessages | |
Cmsg_accepter | Virtual base class that accepts messages |
Cmsg_accepter_msgq | Concrete class that accepts messages and inserts them into a message queue |
Cmsg_producer | Virtual base class that produces messages |
Cmsg_queue | Thread-safe message queue |
►Nnetwork | |
Csocket_pdu | Creates socket interface and translates traffic to PDUs |
Ctcp_sink | This block provides a TCP Sink block that supports both client and server modes |
Ctuntap_pdu | Creates TUNTAP interface and translates traffic to PDUs |
Cudp_sink | This block provides a UDP Sink block that can send data over UDP streams to a specified host |
Cudp_source | This block provides a UDP source block that starts a listener on the specified port and waits for inbound UDP packets |
►Npdu | |
Cadd_system_time | Adds system time to a PDU's metadata |
Cpdu_filter | Propagates only pdus containing k=>v in meta |
Cpdu_remove | Remove key k in pdu's meta field and pass on |
Cpdu_set | Set k=>v in pdu's meta field and pass on |
Cpdu_split | Split PDU dict and data to separate ports |
Cpdu_to_stream | Emit a PDU data as a simple GR stream |
Cpdu_to_tagged_stream | Turns received PDUs into a tagged stream of items |
Crandom_pdu | Sends a random PDU at intervals |
Ctagged_stream_to_pdu | Turns received stream data and tags into PDUs and sends them through a message port |
Ctags_to_pdu | Tags to PDU |
Ctake_skip_to_pdu | Extract periodic PDUs from a data stream |
Ctime_delta | Compute system time differences and provide statistics upon completion |
►Nqtgui | |
Cber_sink_b | |
Cconst_sink_c | A graphical sink to display the IQ constellation of multiple signals |
Cedit_box_msg | Create a QT Edit Box widget where the value is posted as a message |
Ceye_sink_c | A graphical sink to display signals eye patterns |
Ceye_sink_f | A graphical sink to display signals eye patterns |
Cfreq_sink_c | A graphical sink to display multiple signals in frequency |
Cfreq_sink_f | A graphical sink to display multiple signals in frequency |
Chistogram_sink_f | A graphical sink to display a histogram |
Cnumber_sink | A graphical sink to display numerical values of input streams |
Csink_c | A graphical sink to display freq, spec, time, and const plots |
Csink_f | A graphical sink to display freq, spec, and time |
Ctime_raster_sink_b | A graphical sink to display multiple signals on a time_raster plot |
Ctime_raster_sink_f | A graphical sink to display multiple signals on a time_raster plot |
Ctime_sink_c | A graphical sink to display multiple signals in time |
Ctime_sink_f | A graphical sink to display multiple signals in time |
Cvector_sink_f | A graphical sink to display multiple vector-based signals |
Cwaterfall_sink_c | A graphical sink to display multiple signals on a waterfall (spectrogram) plot |
Cwaterfall_sink_f | A graphical sink to display multiple signals on a waterfall (spectrogram) plot |
►Nsoapy | |
Cblock | |
Csink | |
Csource | |
►Nthread | |
Cthread_body_wrapper | |
Cthread_group | |
►Ntrellis | |
Cconstellation_metrics_cf | Evaluate metrics for use by the Viterbi algorithm |
Cencoder | Convolutional encoder |
Cfsm | Finite State Machine Specification class |
Cinterleaver | INTERLEAVER class |
Cmetrics | Evaluate metrics for use by the Viterbi algorithm |
Cpccc_decoder_blk | |
Cpccc_decoder_combined_blk | |
Cpccc_encoder | PCCC encoder |
Cpermutation | Permutation |
Csccc_decoder_blk | |
Csccc_decoder_combined_blk | |
Csccc_encoder | SCCC encoder |
Csiso_combined_f | |
Csiso_f | |
Cviterbi | |
Cviterbi_combined | |
►Nuhd | |
Camsg_source | |
Crfnoc_block | |
Crfnoc_block_generic | |
Crfnoc_ddc | |
Crfnoc_duc | |
Crfnoc_fir_filter | |
Crfnoc_graph | |
Crfnoc_replay | |
Crfnoc_rx_radio | |
Crfnoc_rx_streamer | |
Crfnoc_siggen | |
Crfnoc_tx_radio | |
Crfnoc_tx_streamer | |
Crfnoc_window | |
Cstream_args_t | |
Cusrp_block | |
Cusrp_sink | |
Cusrp_source | |
►Nvideo_sdl | |
Csink_s | Video sink using SDL |
Csink_uc | Video sink using SDL |
►Nvocoder | |
Calaw_decode_bs | This block performs alaw audio decoding |
Calaw_encode_sb | This block performs g.711 alaw audio encoding |
Ccodec2 | |
Ccodec2_decode_ps | CODEC2 Vocoder Decoder |
Ccodec2_encode_sp | CODEC2 Vocoder Encoder |
Ccvsd_decode_bs | This block performs CVSD audio decoding. Its design and implementation is modeled after the CVSD encoder/decoder specifications defined in the Bluetooth standard |
Ccvsd_encode_sb | This block performs CVSD audio encoding. Its design and implementation is modeled after the CVSD encoder/decoder specifications defined in the Bluetooth standard |
Cfreedv_api | |
Cfreedv_rx_ss | FreeDV demodulator |
Cfreedv_tx_ss | FreeDV modulator |
Cg721_decode_bs | This block performs g721 audio decoding |
Cg721_encode_sb | This block performs g721 audio encoding |
Cg723_24_decode_bs | This block performs g723_24 audio decoding |
Cg723_24_encode_sb | This block performs g723_24 audio encoding |
Cg723_40_decode_bs | This block performs g723_40 audio decoding |
Cg723_40_encode_sb | This block performs g723_40 audio encoding |
Cgsm_fr_decode_ps | GSM 06.10 Full Rate Vocoder Decoder |
Cgsm_fr_encode_sp | GSM 06.10 Full Rate Vocoder Encoder |
Culaw_decode_bs | This block performs ulaw audio decoding |
Culaw_encode_sb | This block performs g.711 ulaw audio encoding |
►Nwavelet | |
Csquash_ff | Implements cheap resampling of spectrum directly from spectral points, using gsl interpolation |
Cwavelet_ff | Compute wavelet transform using gsl routines |
Cwvps_ff | Computes the Wavelet Power Spectrum from a set of wavelet coefficients |
►Nzeromq | |
Cpub_msg_sink | Sink the contents of a msg port to a ZMQ PUB socket |
Cpub_sink | Sink the contents of a stream to a ZMQ PUB socket |
Cpull_msg_source | Receive messages on ZMQ PULL socket and output async messages |
Cpull_source | Receive messages on ZMQ PULL socket and source stream |
Cpush_msg_sink | Sink the contents of a msg port to a ZMQ PUSH socket |
Cpush_sink | Sink the contents of a stream to a ZMQ PUSH socket |
Crep_msg_sink | Sink the contents of a msg port to a ZMQ REP socket |
Crep_sink | Sink the contents of a stream to a ZMQ REP socket |
Creq_msg_source | Receive messages on ZMQ REQ socket output async messages |
Creq_source | Receive messages on ZMQ REQ socket and source stream |
Csub_msg_source | Receive messages on ZMQ SUB socket and output async messages |
Csub_source | Receive messages on ZMQ SUB socket and source stream |
Cmsg_queue_comparator | |
Cbasic_block | The abstract base class for all signal processing blocks |
Cblock | The abstract base class for all 'terminal' processing blocks |
Cblock_detail | Implementation details to support the signal processing abstraction |
Cblock_registry | |
Cbuffer | Single writer, multiple reader fifo |
Cbuffer_double_mapped | Single writer, multiple reader fifo |
Cbuffer_reader | How we keep track of the readers of a gr::buffer |
Cbuffer_reader_sm | |
Cbuffer_single_mapped | A single mapped buffer where wrapping conditions are handled explicitly via input/output_blocked_callback functions called from block_executor |
Cbuffer_type_base | Base class for describing a buffer's type |
Cbuftype | Template used to create buffer types. Note that the factory_class parameter must contain a static function make_buffer() that matches the signature below and will be used to create instances of the corresponding buffer type |
Ccustom_lock_if | |
Ccustom_lock | |
Cdictionary_logger_backend | In-Memory Logger |
Cendpoint | Class representing a specific input or output graph endpoint |
Cmsg_endpoint | |
Cedge | Class representing a connection between to graph endpoints |
Cmsg_edge | Class representing a msg connection between to graph msg endpoints |
Cflowgraph | Class representing a directed, acyclic graph of basic blocks |
Cfxpt | Fixed point sine and cosine and friends |
Cfxpt_nco | Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) |
Cfxpt_vco | Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) |
Chier_block2 | Hierarchical container class for gr::block's and gr::hier_block2's |
Chost_buffer | |
Cio_signature | I/o signature for input and output ports |
Clogging | |
Clogger | GR_LOG macros |
Cmessage | Message class |
Cmsg_accepter | Accepts messages and inserts them into a message queue, then notifies subclass gr::basic_block there is a message pending |
Cmsg_handler | Abstract class of message handlers |
Cmsg_queue | Thread-safe message queue |
Cnco | Base class template for Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) |
Cprefs | Base class for representing user preferences a la windows INI files |
Cxoroshiro128p_prng | Wrapper for XOROSHIRO128+ PRNG for use in std::distributions Fulfills C++ named requirements for UniformRandomBitGenerator |
Crandom | Pseudo random number generator |
Csync_block | Synchronous 1:1 input to output with history |
Csync_decimator | Synchronous N:1 input to output with history |
Csync_interpolator | Synchronous 1:N input to output with history |
Ctagged_stream_block | Block that operates on PDUs in form of tagged streams |
Ctag_t | |
Ctop_block | Top-level hierarchical block representing a flowgraph |
Ctpb_detail | Used by thread-per-block scheduler |
►Npmt | |
Cpmt_base | Base class of all pmt types |
Cexception | |
Cwrong_type | |
Cout_of_range | |
Cnotimplemented | |
Ccomparator | Provide a comparator function object to allow pmt use in stl types |
Cpmt_pool | Very simple thread-safe fixed-size allocation pool |
►Nrpcpmtconverter | |
Cto_pmt_f | |
Cto_pmt_byte_f | |
Cto_pmt_short_f | |
Cto_pmt_int_f | |
Cto_pmt_long_f | |
Cto_pmt_double_f | |
Cto_pmt_string_f | |
Cto_pmt_bool_f | |
Cto_pmt_complex_f | |
Cto_pmt_f32vect_f | |
Cto_pmt_f64vect_f | |
Cto_pmt_s64vect_f | |
Cto_pmt_s32vect_f | |
Cto_pmt_s16vect_f | |
Cto_pmt_s8vect_f | |
Cto_pmt_c32vect_f | |
CTo_PMT | |
Cto_pmt_reg | |
Calist | |
Cata_header | |
CAverageMenu | |
Cawgn_bp | |
Cblock_gateway | |
►Ccallbackregister_base | |
Ccallback_base_t | |
Ccallback_t | |
Ccldpc | |
CColorMap_BlackHot | |
CColorMap_Cool | |
CColorMap_Incandescent | |
CColorMap_MultiColor | |
CColorMap_Sunset | |
CColorMap_UserDefined | |
CColorMap_WhiteHot | |
CColorMapMenu | |
CConstellationDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing constellaton (I&Q) plots |
CConstellationDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying constellaton (I&Q) plots |
CConstUpdateEvent | |
Cdecision_t | |
CDisplayForm | Base class for setting up and managing QTGUI plot forms |
CDisplayPlot | QWidget base plot to build QTGUI plotting tools |
CEyeControlPanel | |
CEyeDisplayForm | EyeDisplaysForm child for managing eye pattern plots |
CEyeDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying eye pattern plots |
CEyeDisplaysForm | Base class for setting up and managing QTGUI plot forms |
CFFTAverageMenu | |
CFFTWindowMenu | |
►Cfmt | Enables PMTs to be formatted with fmt |
Cformatter< boost::format > | |
CFreqControlPanel | |
CFreqDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing frequency (PSD) plots |
CFreqDisplayScaleDraw | |
CFreqOffsetAndPrecisionClass | |
CFrequencyDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying frequency domain (PSD) plots |
CFreqUpdateEvent | |
CGF2Mat | |
CGF2Vec | |
Cheader_seq_num | |
Cheader_seq_plus_size | |
CHistogramClearEvent | |
CHistogramDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing histogram domain plots |
CHistogramDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying time domain plots |
CHistogramSetAccumulator | |
CHistogramUpdateEvent | |
CItemFloatAct | |
CLineColorMenu | |
CLineMarkerMenu | |
CLineStyleMenu | |
CLineTitleAction | |
CLineWidthMenu | |
CMarkerAlphaMenu | |
Cmetric_t | |
CNPointsMenu | |
CNumberColorMapMenu | |
CNumberDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing number sink plots |
CNumberLayoutMenu | |
CNumberUpdateEvent | |
CPlotTimeRaster | A plot item, which displays a time raster |
CPlotWaterfall | A plot item, which displays a waterfall spectrogram |
Cpmt_assist | |
CPopupMenu | |
Cpycallback_object | |
CQwtDblClickPlotPicker | |
CQwtPickerDblClickPointMachine | |
Crpc_register_base | Base class for registering a ControlPort function |
Crpcbasic_base | |
Crpcbasic_extractor | Templated parent class for registering a ControlPort Extractor |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, bool > | Specialized extractor class for bool data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, char > | Specialized extractor class for char data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, double > | Specialized extractor class for double data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, float > | Specialized extractor class for float data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, int > | Specialized extractor class for int data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, long > | Specialized extractor class for long data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, short > | Specialized extractor class for short data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, std::complex< double > > | Specialized extractor class for complex (double) data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, std::complex< float > > | Specialized extractor class for complex (float) data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, std::string > | Specialized extractor class for string data |
Crpcbasic_extractor< T, void > | Specialized extractor class to make calls to functions that do not take data (enable, reset, start, etc.) |
Crpcbasic_handler | Templated parent class for registering a ControlPort Extractor |
Crpcbasic_inserter | Templated parent class for registering a ControlPort Inserter |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::complex< double > > | Specialized inserter class for complex (double) data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::complex< float > > | Specialized inserter class for complex (float) data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< float > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of float data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< int > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of int data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< int64_t > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of int64_t data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< short > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of short data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< signed char > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of signed char data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< std::complex< float > > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of complex (float) data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, std::vector< uint8_t > > | Specialized inserter class for vectors of uint8_t data |
Crpcbasic_inserter< T, uint64_t > | Specialized inserter class for uint64_t data |
Crpcbasic_register_get | Registers a 'get' function to get a parameter over ControlPort |
Crpcbasic_register_handler | Registers a message handler function to post a message to a block's handler |
Crpcbasic_register_set | Registers a 'set' function to set a parameter over ControlPort |
Crpcbasic_register_trigger | Registers a 'trigger' function to trigger an action over ControlPort |
Crpcbasic_register_variable | Registers a read-only function to get a parameter over ControlPort |
Crpcbasic_register_variable_rw | Registers a read/write function to get and set a parameter over ControlPort |
Crpcbufferedget | |
Crpcextractor_base | Base class for registering a ControlPort Extractor. Acts as a message acceptor |
Crpcextractor_base< T, void > | |
Crpchandler_base | Base class for registering a ControlPort Handler. Acts as a message acceptor |
Crpcinserter_base | Base class for registering a ControlPort Inserter. Produces a message |
►Crpcmanager | |
Crpcserver_booter_register_helper | |
Crpcmanager_base | |
Crpcserver_aggregator | |
Crpcserver_base | |
Crpcserver_booter_aggregator | |
Crpcserver_booter_base | |
Crpcserver_booter_thrift | |
Crpcserver_thrift | |
CSetFreqEvent | |
CSpectrumDisplayForm | |
CSpectrumFrequencyRangeEvent | |
CSpectrumGUIClass | QWidget class for controlling plotting |
CSpectrumUpdateEvent | |
CSpectrumWindowCaptionEvent | |
CSpectrumWindowResetEvent | |
Cthrift_application_base | Base class for a Thrift application with a singleton with instance function thrift_application_base::i(). Lazy initialization is used to start the Thrift runtime, therefore the Thrift runtime is not started unless thrift_application_base::i() is called at least once. This typically means that at least one rpc variable must be registered by a block before the runtime will start |
Cthrift_application_base_impl | Class to be statically initialized by thrift_application_base. Used to store state for thrift_application_base's singleton functions |
Cthrift_server_template | |
CTimeControlPanel | |
CTimeDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing time domain plots |
CTimeDomainDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying time domain plots |
CTimeRasterData | |
CTimeRasterDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing time raster plots |
CTimeRasterDisplayPlot | QWidget for time raster (time vs. time) plots |
CTimeRasterSetSize | |
CTimeRasterUpdateEvent | |
CTimeScaleData | |
CTimeUpdateEvent | |
CTriggerChannelMenu | |
CTriggerModeMenu | |
CTriggerSlopeMenu | |
Cv | |
CVectorDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing vector plots |
CVectorDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying 1D-vector plots |
CWaterfallData | |
CWaterfallDisplayForm | DisplayForm child for managing waterfall (spectrogram) plots |
CWaterfallDisplayPlot | QWidget for displaying waterfall (spectrogram) plots |
CWaterfallUpdateEvent | |