gnuradio.blocks: ControlPort

gnuradio.blocks.ctrlport_probe2_c(string id, string desc, int len) → sptr

A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals.

This block acts as a sink in the flowgraph but also exports vectors of complex samples over ControlPort. This block holds the latest number of complex samples so that every query by a ControlPort client will get the same length vector.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Make a ControlPort probe block.

  • id – A string ID to name the probe over ControlPort.
  • desc – A string describing the probe.
  • len – Number of samples to transmit.
ctrlport_probe2_c_sptr.active_thread_priority(self) → int
ctrlport_probe2_c_sptr.get(self) → std::vector<(gr_complex,std::allocator<(gr_complex)>)>
ctrlport_probe2_c_sptr.set_length(self, int len)
ctrlport_probe2_c_sptr.set_thread_priority(self, int priority) → int
ctrlport_probe2_c_sptr.thread_priority(self) → int
gnuradio.blocks.ctrlport_probe_c(string id, string desc) → sptr

A ControlPort probe to export vectors of signals.

This block acts as a sink in the flowgraph but also exports vectors of complex samples over ControlPort. This block simply sends the current vector held in the work function when the queried by a ControlPort client.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Make a ControlPort probe block.

  • id – A string ID to name the probe over ControlPort.
  • desc – A string describing the probe.
ctrlport_probe_c_sptr.active_thread_priority(self) → int
ctrlport_probe_c_sptr.get(self) → std::vector<(gr_complex,std::allocator<(gr_complex)>)>
ctrlport_probe_c_sptr.set_thread_priority(self, int priority) → int
ctrlport_probe_c_sptr.thread_priority(self) → int

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