pmt: Dictionary

pmt.is_dict(swig_int_ptr obj) → bool

Return true if is a dictionary.

pmt.make_dict() → swig_int_ptr

Make an empty dictionary.

pmt.dict_add(swig_int_ptr dict, swig_int_ptr key, swig_int_ptr value) → swig_int_ptr

Return a new dictionary with associated with .

pmt.dict_delete(swig_int_ptr dict, swig_int_ptr key) → swig_int_ptr

Return a new dictionary with removed.

pmt.dict_has_key(swig_int_ptr dict, swig_int_ptr key) → bool

Return true if exists in .

pmt.dict_ref(swig_int_ptr dict, swig_int_ptr key, swig_int_ptr not_found) → swig_int_ptr

If exists in , return associated value; otherwise return .

pmt.dict_items(swig_int_ptr dict) → swig_int_ptr

Return list of (key . value) pairs.

pmt.dict_keys(swig_int_ptr dict) → swig_int_ptr

Return list of keys.

pmt.dict_values(swig_int_ptr dict) → swig_int_ptr

Return list of values.

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