GNU Radio 3.4.2 C++ API
gr_dc_blocker_cc Class Reference

a computationally efficient controllabel DC blocker More...

#include <gr_dc_blocker_cc.h>

Inheritance diagram for gr_dc_blocker_cc:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~gr_dc_blocker_cc ()
int get_group_delay ()
int work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
 just like gr_block::general_work, only this arranges to call consume_each for you


gr_dc_blocker_cc_sptr gr_make_dc_blocker_cc (int D, bool long_form)

Detailed Description

a computationally efficient controllabel DC blocker

This block implements a computationally efficient DC blocker that produces a tigher notch filter around DC for a smaller group delay than an equivalent FIR filter or using a single pole IIR filter (though the IIR filter is computationally cheaper).

The block defaults to using a delay line of length 32 and the long form of the filter. Optionally, the delay line length can be changed to alter the width of the DC notch (longer lines will decrease the width).

The long form of the filter produces a nearly flat response outside of the notch but at the cost of a group delay of 2D-2.

The short form of the filter does not have as flat a response in the passband but has a group delay of only D-1 and is cheaper to compute.

The theory behind this block can be found in the paper:

R. Yates, "DC Blocker Algorithms," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Mar. 2008, pp 132-134.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gr_dc_blocker_cc::~gr_dc_blocker_cc ( )

Member Function Documentation

int gr_dc_blocker_cc::get_group_delay ( )

Get the blocker's group delay that is based on length of delay lines

int gr_dc_blocker_cc::work ( int  noutput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star input_items,
gr_vector_void_star output_items 
) [virtual]

just like gr_block::general_work, only this arranges to call consume_each for you

The user must override work to define the signal processing code

Implements gr_sync_block.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

gr_dc_blocker_cc_sptr gr_make_dc_blocker_cc ( int  D,
bool  long_form 
) [friend]

Build the DC blocker.

D(int) the length of the delay line
long_form(bool) whether to use long (true, default) or short form

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