GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
gr::soapy::block Class Referenceabstract

#include <gnuradio/soapy/block.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual std::string get_driver_key () const =0
virtual std::string get_hardware_key () const =0
virtual kwargs_t get_hardware_info () const =0
virtual void set_frontend_mapping (const std::string &frontend_mapping)=0
virtual std::string get_frontend_mapping () const =0
virtual kwargs_t get_channel_info (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_sample_rate (size_t channel, double sample_rate)=0
virtual double get_sample_rate (size_t channel) const =0
virtual range_list_t get_sample_rate_range (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_frequency (size_t channel, double freq)=0
virtual void set_frequency (size_t channel, const std::string &name, double freq)=0
virtual double get_frequency (size_t channel) const =0
virtual double get_frequency (size_t channel, const std::string &name) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_frequencies (size_t channel) const =0
virtual range_list_t get_frequency_range (size_t channel) const =0
virtual range_list_t get_frequency_range (size_t channel, const std::string &name) const =0
virtual arginfo_list_t get_frequency_args_info (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_bandwidth (size_t channel, double bandwidth)=0
virtual double get_bandwidth (size_t channel) const =0
virtual range_list_t get_bandwidth_range (size_t channel) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_antennas (int channel) const =0
virtual void set_antenna (size_t channel, const std::string &name)=0
virtual std::string get_antenna (size_t channel) const =0
virtual bool has_gain_mode (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_gain_mode (size_t channel, bool enable)=0
virtual bool get_gain_mode (size_t channel) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_gains (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_gain (size_t channel, double gain)=0
virtual void set_gain (size_t channel, const std::string &name, double gain)=0
virtual double get_gain (size_t channel) const =0
virtual double get_gain (size_t channel, const std::string &name) const =0
virtual range_t get_gain_range (size_t channel) const =0
virtual range_t get_gain_range (size_t channel, const std::string &name) const =0
virtual bool has_frequency_correction (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_frequency_correction (size_t channel, double freq_correction)=0
virtual double get_frequency_correction (size_t channel) const =0
virtual bool has_dc_offset_mode (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_dc_offset_mode (size_t channel, bool automatic)=0
virtual bool get_dc_offset_mode (size_t channel) const =0
virtual bool has_dc_offset (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_dc_offset (size_t channel, const gr_complexd &dc_offset)=0
virtual gr_complexd get_dc_offset (size_t channel) const =0
virtual bool has_iq_balance (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_iq_balance (size_t channel, const gr_complexd &iq_balance)=0
virtual gr_complexd get_iq_balance (size_t channel) const =0
virtual bool has_iq_balance_mode (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_iq_balance_mode (size_t channel, bool automatic)=0
virtual bool get_iq_balance_mode (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void set_master_clock_rate (double clock_rate)=0
virtual double get_master_clock_rate () const =0
virtual range_list_t get_master_clock_rates () const =0
virtual void set_reference_clock_rate (double rate)=0
virtual double get_reference_clock_rate () const =0
virtual range_list_t get_reference_clock_rates () const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_clock_sources () const =0
virtual void set_clock_source (const std::string &clock_source)=0
virtual std::string get_clock_source () const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_time_sources () const =0
virtual void set_time_source (const std::string &source)=0
virtual std::string get_time_source () const =0
virtual bool has_hardware_time (const std::string &what="") const =0
virtual long long get_hardware_time (const std::string &what="") const =0
virtual void set_hardware_time (long long timeNs, const std::string &what="")=0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_sensors () const =0
virtual arginfo_t get_sensor_info (const std::string &key) const =0
virtual std::string read_sensor (const std::string &key) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_sensors (size_t channel) const =0
virtual arginfo_t get_sensor_info (size_t channel, const std::string &key) const =0
virtual std::string read_sensor (size_t channel, const std::string &key) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_register_interfaces () const =0
virtual void write_register (const std::string &name, unsigned addr, unsigned value)=0
virtual unsigned read_register (const std::string &name, unsigned addr) const =0
virtual void write_registers (const std::string &name, unsigned addr, const std::vector< unsigned > &value)=0
virtual std::vector< unsigned > read_registers (const std::string &name, unsigned addr, size_t length) const =0
virtual arginfo_list_t get_setting_info () const =0
virtual void write_setting (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)=0
virtual std::string read_setting (const std::string &key) const =0
virtual arginfo_list_t get_setting_info (size_t channel) const =0
virtual void write_setting (size_t channel, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)=0
virtual std::string read_setting (size_t channel, const std::string &key) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_gpio_banks () const =0
virtual void write_gpio (const std::string &bank, unsigned value)=0
virtual void write_gpio (const std::string &bank, unsigned value, unsigned mask)=0
virtual unsigned read_gpio (const std::string &bank) const =0
virtual void write_gpio_dir (const std::string &bank, unsigned dir)=0
virtual void write_gpio_dir (const std::string &bank, unsigned dir, unsigned mask)=0
virtual unsigned read_gpio_dir (const std::string &bank) const =0
virtual void write_i2c (int addr, const std::string &data)=0
virtual std::string read_i2c (int addr, size_t num_bytes)=0
virtual unsigned transact_spi (int addr, unsigned data, size_t num_bits)=0
virtual std::vector< std::string > list_uarts () const =0
virtual void write_uart (const std::string &which, const std::string &data)=0
virtual std::string read_uart (const std::string &which, long timeout_us=100000) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from gr::block
 ~block () override
unsigned history () const
void set_history (unsigned history)
void declare_sample_delay (int which, unsigned delay)
void declare_sample_delay (unsigned delay)
unsigned sample_delay (int which) const
bool fixed_rate () const
 Return true if this block has a fixed input to output rate. More...
virtual void forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
 Estimate input requirements given output request. More...
virtual int general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
 compute output items from input items More...
virtual bool start ()
 Called to enable drivers, etc for i/o devices. More...
virtual bool stop ()
 Called to disable drivers, etc for i/o devices. More...
void set_output_multiple (int multiple)
 Constrain the noutput_items argument passed to forecast and general_work. More...
int output_multiple () const
bool output_multiple_set () const
void set_alignment (int multiple)
 Constrains buffers to work on a set item alignment (for SIMD) More...
int alignment () const
void set_unaligned (int na)
int unaligned () const
void set_is_unaligned (bool u)
bool is_unaligned () const
void consume (int which_input, int how_many_items)
 Tell the scheduler how_many_items of input stream which_input were consumed. More...
void consume_each (int how_many_items)
 Tell the scheduler how_many_items were consumed on each input stream. More...
void produce (int which_output, int how_many_items)
 Tell the scheduler how_many_items were produced on output stream which_output. More...
void set_relative_rate (double relative_rate)
 Set the approximate output rate / input rate. More...
void set_inverse_relative_rate (double inverse_relative_rate)
 Set the approximate output rate / input rate using its reciprocal. More...
void set_relative_rate (uint64_t interpolation, uint64_t decimation)
 Set the approximate output rate / input rate as an integer ratio. More...
double relative_rate () const
 return the approximate output rate / input rate More...
uint64_t relative_rate_i () const
 return the numerator, or interpolation rate, of the approximate output rate / input rate More...
uint64_t relative_rate_d () const
 return the denominator, or decimation rate, of the approximate output rate / input rate More...
mpq_class & mp_relative_rate ()
 return a reference to the multiple precision rational representation of the approximate output rate / input rate More...
virtual int fixed_rate_ninput_to_noutput (int ninput)
 Given ninput samples, return number of output samples that will be produced. N.B. this is only defined if fixed_rate returns true. Generally speaking, you don't need to override this. More...
virtual int fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput (int noutput)
 Given noutput samples, return number of input samples required to produce noutput. N.B. this is only defined if fixed_rate returns true. Generally speaking, you don't need to override this. More...
uint64_t nitems_read (unsigned int which_input)
 Return the number of items read on input stream which_input. More...
uint64_t nitems_written (unsigned int which_output)
 Return the number of items written on output stream which_output. More...
tag_propagation_policy_t tag_propagation_policy ()
 Asks for the policy used by the scheduler to moved tags downstream. More...
void set_tag_propagation_policy (tag_propagation_policy_t p)
 Set the policy by the scheduler to determine how tags are moved downstream. More...
int min_noutput_items () const
 Return the minimum number of output items this block can produce during a call to work. More...
void set_min_noutput_items (int m)
 Set the minimum number of output items this block can produce during a call to work. More...
int max_noutput_items ()
 Return the maximum number of output items this block will handle during a call to work. More...
void set_max_noutput_items (int m)
 Set the maximum number of output items this block will handle during a call to work. More...
void unset_max_noutput_items ()
 Clear the switch for using the max_noutput_items value of this block. More...
bool is_set_max_noutput_items ()
 Ask the block if the flag is or is not set to use the internal value of max_noutput_items during a call to work. More...
void expand_minmax_buffer (int port)
long max_output_buffer (size_t i)
 Returns max buffer size on output port i. More...
void set_max_output_buffer (long max_output_buffer)
 Request limit on max buffer size on all output ports. More...
void set_max_output_buffer (int port, long max_output_buffer)
 Request limit on max buffer size on output port port. More...
long min_output_buffer (size_t i)
 Returns min buffer size on output port i. More...
void set_min_output_buffer (long min_output_buffer)
 Request limit on the minimum buffer size on all output ports. More...
void set_min_output_buffer (int port, long min_output_buffer)
 Request limit on min buffer size on output port port. More...
void set_blkd_input_timer_value (unsigned int timer_value_ms)
 DEPRECATED Configure the timer set when input is blocked port. More...
unsigned int blkd_input_timer_value ()
 DEPRECATED Returns timer value set when input is blocked. More...
void allocate_detail (int ninputs, int noutputs, const std::vector< int > &downstream_max_nitems_vec, const std::vector< uint64_t > &downstream_lcm_nitems_vec, const std::vector< uint32_t > &downstream_max_out_mult_vec)
 Allocate the block_detail and necessary output buffers for this block. More...
buffer_sptr replace_buffer (size_t src_port, size_t dst_port, block_sptr block_owner)
 Replace the block's buffer with a new one owned by the block_owner parameter. More...
float pc_noutput_items ()
 Gets instantaneous noutput_items performance counter. More...
float pc_noutput_items_avg ()
 Gets average noutput_items performance counter. More...
float pc_noutput_items_var ()
 Gets variance of noutput_items performance counter. More...
float pc_nproduced ()
 Gets instantaneous num items produced performance counter. More...
float pc_nproduced_avg ()
 Gets average num items produced performance counter. More...
float pc_nproduced_var ()
 Gets variance of num items produced performance counter. More...
float pc_input_buffers_full (int which)
 Gets instantaneous fullness of which input buffer. More...
float pc_input_buffers_full_avg (int which)
 Gets average fullness of which input buffer. More...
float pc_input_buffers_full_var (int which)
 Gets variance of fullness of which input buffer. More...
std::vector< float > pc_input_buffers_full ()
 Gets instantaneous fullness of all input buffers. More...
std::vector< float > pc_input_buffers_full_avg ()
 Gets average fullness of all input buffers. More...
std::vector< float > pc_input_buffers_full_var ()
 Gets variance of fullness of all input buffers. More...
float pc_output_buffers_full (int which)
 Gets instantaneous fullness of which output buffer. More...
float pc_output_buffers_full_avg (int which)
 Gets average fullness of which output buffer. More...
float pc_output_buffers_full_var (int which)
 Gets variance of fullness of which output buffer. More...
std::vector< float > pc_output_buffers_full ()
 Gets instantaneous fullness of all output buffers. More...
std::vector< float > pc_output_buffers_full_avg ()
 Gets average fullness of all output buffers. More...
std::vector< float > pc_output_buffers_full_var ()
 Gets variance of fullness of all output buffers. More...
float pc_work_time ()
 Gets instantaneous clock cycles spent in work. More...
float pc_work_time_avg ()
 Gets average clock cycles spent in work. More...
float pc_work_time_var ()
 Gets average clock cycles spent in work. More...
float pc_work_time_total ()
 Gets total clock cycles spent in work. More...
float pc_throughput_avg ()
 Gets average throughput. More...
void reset_perf_counters ()
 Resets the performance counters. More...
void setup_pc_rpc ()
 Sets up export of perf. counters to ControlPort. Only called by the scheduler. More...
bool is_pc_rpc_set () const
 Checks if this block is already exporting perf. counters to ControlPort. More...
void no_pc_rpc ()
 If the block calls this in its constructor, it's perf. counters will not be exported. More...
void set_processor_affinity (const std::vector< int > &mask) override
 Set the thread's affinity to processor core n. More...
void unset_processor_affinity () override
 Remove processor affinity to a specific core. More...
std::vector< int > processor_affinity () override
 Get the current processor affinity. More...
int active_thread_priority ()
 Get the current thread priority in use. More...
int thread_priority ()
 Get the current thread priority stored. More...
int set_thread_priority (int priority)
 Set the current thread priority. More...
bool update_rate () const
void system_handler (pmt::pmt_t msg)
 the system message handler More...
void set_log_level (const std::string &level) override
 Set the logger's output level. More...
std::string log_level () override
 Get the logger's output level. More...
bool finished ()
 returns true when execution has completed due to a message connection More...
block_detail_sptr detail () const
void set_detail (block_detail_sptr detail)
void notify_msg_neighbors ()
 Tell msg neighbors we are finished. More...
void clear_finished ()
 Make sure we don't think we are finished. More...
std::string identifier () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gr::basic_block
pmt::pmt_t message_subscribers (pmt::pmt_t port)
 ~basic_block () override
long unique_id () const
long symbolic_id () const
std::string name () const
std::string symbol_name () const
std::string identifier () const
gr::io_signature::sptr input_signature () const
gr::io_signature::sptr output_signature () const
basic_block_sptr to_basic_block ()
bool alias_set () const
std::string alias () const
pmt::pmt_t alias_pmt () const
void set_block_alias (std::string name)
void message_port_register_in (pmt::pmt_t port_id)
void message_port_register_out (pmt::pmt_t port_id)
void message_port_pub (pmt::pmt_t port_id, pmt::pmt_t msg)
void message_port_sub (pmt::pmt_t port_id, pmt::pmt_t target)
void message_port_unsub (pmt::pmt_t port_id, pmt::pmt_t target)
virtual bool message_port_is_hier (pmt::pmt_t port_id)
virtual bool message_port_is_hier_in (pmt::pmt_t port_id)
virtual bool message_port_is_hier_out (pmt::pmt_t port_id)
pmt::pmt_t message_ports_in ()
 Get input message port names. More...
pmt::pmt_t message_ports_out ()
 Get output message port names. More...
void _post (pmt::pmt_t which_port, pmt::pmt_t msg)
bool empty_p (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
 is the queue empty? More...
bool empty_p ()
bool empty_handled_p (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
 are all msg ports with handlers empty? More...
bool empty_handled_p ()
size_t nmsgs (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
 How many messages in the queue? More...
void insert_tail (pmt::pmt_t which_port, pmt::pmt_t msg)
pmt::pmt_t delete_head_nowait (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
msg_queue_t::iterator get_iterator (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
void erase_msg (pmt::pmt_t which_port, msg_queue_t::iterator it)
virtual bool has_msg_port (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
const msg_queue_map_t & get_msg_map (void) const
virtual void setup_rpc ()
 Set up the RPC registered variables. More...
bool is_rpc_set ()
 Ask if this block has been registered to the RPC. More...
void rpc_set ()
 When the block is registered with the RPC, set this. More...
virtual bool check_topology (int ninputs, int noutputs)
 Confirm that ninputs and noutputs is an acceptable combination. More...
template<typename T >
void set_msg_handler (pmt::pmt_t which_port, T msg_handler)
 Set the callback that is fired when messages are available. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gr::msg_accepter
 msg_accepter ()
 ~msg_accepter () override
void post (pmt::pmt_t which_port, pmt::pmt_t msg) override
 send msg to msg_accepter on port which_port More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gr::messages::msg_accepter
 msg_accepter ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from gr::block
enum  work_return_t { WORK_CALLED_PRODUCE = -2 , WORK_DONE = -1 }
 Magic return values from general_work. More...
enum  tag_propagation_policy_t { TPP_DONT = 0 , TPP_ALL_TO_ALL = 1 , TPP_ONE_TO_ONE = 2 , TPP_CUSTOM = 3 }
 enum to represent different tag propagation policies. More...
- Protected Types inherited from gr::basic_block
enum  vcolor { WHITE , GREY , BLACK }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gr::block
 block (void)
 block (const std::string &name, gr::io_signature::sptr input_signature, gr::io_signature::sptr output_signature)
void set_fixed_rate (bool fixed_rate)
void add_item_tag (unsigned int which_output, uint64_t abs_offset, const pmt::pmt_t &key, const pmt::pmt_t &value, const pmt::pmt_t &srcid=pmt::PMT_F)
 Adds a new tag onto the given output buffer. More...
void add_item_tag (unsigned int which_output, const tag_t &tag)
 Adds a new tag onto the given output buffer. More...
void remove_item_tag (unsigned int which_input, uint64_t abs_offset, const pmt::pmt_t &key, const pmt::pmt_t &value, const pmt::pmt_t &srcid=pmt::PMT_F)
 DEPRECATED. Will be removed in 3.8. More...
void remove_item_tag (unsigned int which_input, const tag_t &tag)
 DEPRECATED. Will be removed in 3.8. More...
void get_tags_in_range (std::vector< tag_t > &v, unsigned int which_input, uint64_t abs_start, uint64_t abs_end)
 Given a [start,end), returns a vector of all tags in the range. More...
void get_tags_in_range (std::vector< tag_t > &v, unsigned int which_input, uint64_t abs_start, uint64_t abs_end, const pmt::pmt_t &key)
 Given a [start,end), returns a vector of all tags in the range with a given key. More...
void get_tags_in_window (std::vector< tag_t > &v, unsigned int which_input, uint64_t rel_start, uint64_t rel_end)
 Gets all tags within the relative window of the current call to work. More...
void get_tags_in_window (std::vector< tag_t > &v, unsigned int which_input, uint64_t rel_start, uint64_t rel_end, const pmt::pmt_t &key)
 Operates like gr::block::get_tags_in_window with the ability to only return tags with the specified key. More...
void enable_update_rate (bool en)
buffer_sptr allocate_buffer (size_t port, int downstream_max_nitems, uint64_t downstream_lcm_nitems, uint32_t downstream_max_out_mult)
 Allocate a buffer for the given output port of this block. Note that the downstream max number of items must be passed in to this function for consideration. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gr::basic_block
 basic_block (void)
 basic_block (const std::string &name, gr::io_signature::sptr input_signature, gr::io_signature::sptr output_signature)
 Protected constructor prevents instantiation by non-derived classes. More...
void set_input_signature (gr::io_signature::sptr iosig)
 may only be called during constructor More...
void set_output_signature (gr::io_signature::sptr iosig)
 may only be called during constructor More...
void set_color (vcolor color)
 Allow the flowgraph to set for sorting and partitioning. More...
vcolor color () const
virtual bool has_msg_handler (pmt::pmt_t which_port)
 Tests if there is a handler attached to port which_port. More...
virtual void dispatch_msg (pmt::pmt_t which_port, pmt::pmt_t msg)
template<typename Derived >
std::shared_ptr< Derived > shared_from_base ()
 This is meant to be called by derived classes (e.g. block) to get a shared pointer internally. This is needed because std::enable_shared_from_this doesn't seem to work with derived classes in an inheritance hierarchy. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gr::block
std::vector< long > d_max_output_buffer
std::vector< long > d_min_output_buffer
unsigned int d_blkd_input_timer_value = 250
gr::thread::mutex d_setlock
const pmt::pmt_t d_pmt_done
const pmt::pmt_t d_system_port
- Protected Attributes inherited from gr::basic_block
std::string d_name
gr::io_signature::sptr d_input_signature
gr::io_signature::sptr d_output_signature
long d_unique_id
long d_symbolic_id
std::string d_symbol_name
std::string d_symbol_alias
vcolor d_color
bool d_rpc_set
gr::logger_ptr d_logger
gr::logger_ptr d_debug_logger
 Default logger. More...
msg_queue_map_t msg_queue
 Verbose logger. More...
std::vector< rpcbasic_sptr > d_rpc_vars
pmt::pmt_t d_message_subscribers

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_antenna()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::get_antenna ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the selected antenna on RX chain.

channelan available channel on the device
the name of the selected antenna

◆ get_bandwidth()

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_bandwidth ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get baseband filter width of the RX chain.

channelan available channel on the device
the baseband filter width in Hz

◆ get_bandwidth_range()

virtual range_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_bandwidth_range ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the range of possible baseband filter widths.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of bandwidth ranges in Hz

◆ get_channel_info()

virtual kwargs_t gr::soapy::block::get_channel_info ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Query a dictionary of available channel information. This dictionary can any number of values like decoder type, version, available functions... This information can be displayed to the user to help identify the instantiated channel.

channelan available channel on the device
channel information

◆ get_clock_source()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::get_clock_source ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the clock source of the device

the name of the clock source

◆ get_dc_offset()

virtual gr_complexd gr::soapy::block::get_dc_offset ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the DC offset correction.

channelan available channel on the device
the relative correction (1.0 max)

◆ get_dc_offset_mode()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::get_dc_offset_mode ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the automatic DC offset correction mode.

channelan available channel on the device
true for automatic offset correction

◆ get_driver_key()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::get_driver_key ( ) const
pure virtual

A key that uniquely identifies the device driver. This key identifies the underlying implementation. Several variants of a product may share a driver.

◆ get_frequency() [1/2]

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_frequency ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the down conversion frequency of the chain.

channelan available channel on the device
the center frequency in Hz

◆ get_frequency() [2/2]

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_frequency ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name 
) const
pure virtual

Get the frequency of a tunable element in the chain.

channelan available channel on the device
namethe name of a tunable element
the tunable element's frequency in Hz

◆ get_frequency_args_info()

virtual arginfo_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_frequency_args_info ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Query the argument info description for stream args.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of argument info structures

◆ get_frequency_correction()

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_frequency_correction ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the frequency correction value.

channelan available channel on the device
the correction value in PPM

◆ get_frequency_range() [1/2]

virtual range_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_frequency_range ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the range of overall frequency values.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of frequency ranges in Hz

◆ get_frequency_range() [2/2]

virtual range_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_frequency_range ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name 
) const
pure virtual

Get the range of tunable values for the specified element.

channelan available channel on the device
namethe name of a tunable element
a list of frequency ranges in Hz

◆ get_frontend_mapping()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::get_frontend_mapping ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the frontend mapping of available DSP units to RF frontends. This mapping describes channel mapping and channel availability.

a vendor-specific mapping string

◆ get_gain() [1/2]

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_gain ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the overall value of the gain elements in a chain

channelan available channel on the device
the value of the gain in dB

◆ get_gain() [2/2]

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_gain ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name 
) const
pure virtual

Get the value of an individual amplification element in a chain.

channelan available channel on the device
namethe name of an amplification element
the value of the gain in dB

◆ get_gain_mode()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::get_gain_mode ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the automatic gain mode on the RX chain.

channelan available channel on the device
true for automatic gain setting

◆ get_gain_range() [1/2]

virtual range_t gr::soapy::block::get_gain_range ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the overall range of possible gain values.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of gain ranges in dB

◆ get_gain_range() [2/2]

virtual range_t gr::soapy::block::get_gain_range ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name 
) const
pure virtual

Get the range of possible gain values for a specific element.

channelan available channel on the device
namethe name of an amplification element
a list of gain ranges in dB

◆ get_hardware_info()

virtual kwargs_t gr::soapy::block::get_hardware_info ( ) const
pure virtual

Query a dictionary of available device information. This dictionary can any number of values like vendor name, product name, revisions, serials... This information can be displayed to the user to help identify the instantiated device.

◆ get_hardware_key()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::get_hardware_key ( ) const
pure virtual

A key that uniquely identifies the hardware. This key should be meaningful to the user to optimize for the underlying hardware.

◆ get_hardware_time()

virtual long long gr::soapy::block::get_hardware_time ( const std::string &  what = "") const
pure virtual

Read the time from the hardware clock on the device. The what argument can refer to a specific time counter.

whatoptional argument
the time in nanoseconds

◆ get_iq_balance()

virtual gr_complexd gr::soapy::block::get_iq_balance ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the IQ balance correction.

channelan available channel on the device
the relative correction (1.0 max)

◆ get_iq_balance_mode()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::get_iq_balance_mode ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the automatic IQ balance corrections mode.

channelan available channel on the device
true for automatic correction

◆ get_master_clock_rate()

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_master_clock_rate ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the master clock rate of the device.

the clock rate in Hz

◆ get_master_clock_rates()

virtual range_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_master_clock_rates ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the range of available master clock rates.

a list of clock rate ranges in Hz

◆ get_reference_clock_rate()

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_reference_clock_rate ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the reference clock rate of the device.

the clock rate in Hz

◆ get_reference_clock_rates()

virtual range_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_reference_clock_rates ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the range of available reference clock rates.

a list of clock rate ranges in Hz

◆ get_sample_rate()

virtual double gr::soapy::block::get_sample_rate ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the baseband sample rate of the RX chain.

channelan available channel on the device
the sample rate in samples per second

◆ get_sample_rate_range()

virtual range_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_sample_rate_range ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Get the range of possible baseband sample rates.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of sample rate ranges in samples per second

◆ get_sensor_info() [1/2]

virtual arginfo_t gr::soapy::block::get_sensor_info ( const std::string &  key) const
pure virtual

Get meta-information about a sensor. Example: displayable name, type, range.

keythe ID name of an available sensor
meta-information about a sensor

◆ get_sensor_info() [2/2]

virtual arginfo_t gr::soapy::block::get_sensor_info ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  key 
) const
pure virtual

Get meta-information about a channel sensor. Example: displayable name, type, range.

channelan available channel on the device
keythe ID name of an available sensor
meta-information about a sensor

◆ get_setting_info() [1/2]

virtual arginfo_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_setting_info ( ) const
pure virtual

Describe the allowed keys and values used for settings.

a list of argument info structures

◆ get_setting_info() [2/2]

virtual arginfo_list_t gr::soapy::block::get_setting_info ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Describe the allowed keys and values used for channel settings.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of argument info structures

◆ get_time_source()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::get_time_source ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the time source of the device

the name of a time source

◆ has_dc_offset()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_dc_offset ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Return whether manual dc offset correction is supported

channelan available channel

◆ has_dc_offset_mode()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_dc_offset_mode ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Return whether DC offset mode can be set

channelan available channel

◆ has_frequency_correction()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_frequency_correction ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Return whether frequency correction is supported

channelan available channel

◆ has_gain_mode()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_gain_mode ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Return whether automatic gain control (AGC) is supported

channelan available channel

◆ has_hardware_time()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_hardware_time ( const std::string &  what = "") const
pure virtual

Does this device have a hardware clock?

whatoptional argument
true if the hardware clock exists

◆ has_iq_balance()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_iq_balance ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Return whether manual IQ balance correction is supported

channelan available channel

◆ has_iq_balance_mode()

virtual bool gr::soapy::block::has_iq_balance_mode ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

Does the device support automatic frontend IQ balance correction?

channelan available channel on the device
true if IQ balance corrections are supported

◆ list_antennas()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_antennas ( int  channel) const
pure virtual

List available antennas for a channel

channelchannel index
available antenna names

◆ list_clock_sources()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_clock_sources ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the list of available clock sources.

a list of clock source names

◆ list_frequencies()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_frequencies ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

List available tunable elements in the chain. Elements should be in order RF to baseband.

channelan available channel
a list of tunable elements by name

◆ list_gains()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_gains ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

List available amplification elements. Elements should be in order RF to baseband.

channelan available channel
a list of gain string names

◆ list_gpio_banks()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_gpio_banks ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a list of available GPIO banks by name.

◆ list_register_interfaces()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_register_interfaces ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a list of available register interfaces by name.

a list of available register interfaces

◆ list_sensors() [1/2]

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_sensors ( ) const
pure virtual

List the available global readback sensors. A sensor can represent a reference lock, RSSI, temperature.

a list of available sensor string names

◆ list_sensors() [2/2]

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_sensors ( size_t  channel) const
pure virtual

List the available channel readback sensors. A sensor can represent a reference lock, RSSI, temperature.

channelan available channel on the device
a list of available sensor string names

◆ list_time_sources()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_time_sources ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the list of available time sources.

a list of time source names

◆ list_uarts()

virtual std::vector<std::string> gr::soapy::block::list_uarts ( ) const
pure virtual

Enumerate the available UART devices.

a list of names of available UARTs

◆ read_gpio()

virtual unsigned gr::soapy::block::read_gpio ( const std::string &  bank) const
pure virtual

Readback the value of a GPIO bank.

bankthe name of an available bank
an integer representing GPIO bits

◆ read_gpio_dir()

virtual unsigned gr::soapy::block::read_gpio_dir ( const std::string &  bank) const
pure virtual

Read the data direction of a GPIO bank. 1 bits represent outputs, 0 bits represent inputs.

bankthe name of an available bank
an integer representing data direction bits

◆ read_i2c()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::read_i2c ( int  addr,
size_t  num_bytes 
pure virtual

Read from an available I2C slave. If the device contains multiple I2C masters, the address bits can encode which master.

addrthe address of the slave
num_bytesthe number of bytes to read
an array of bytes read from the slave

◆ read_register()

virtual unsigned gr::soapy::block::read_register ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned  addr 
) const
pure virtual

Read a register on the device given the interface name.

namethe name of a available register interface
addrthe register address
the register value

◆ read_registers()

virtual std::vector<unsigned> gr::soapy::block::read_registers ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned  addr,
size_t  length 
) const
pure virtual

Read a memory block on the device given the interface name.

namethe name of a available memory block interface
addrthe memory block start address
lengthnumber of words to be read from memory block
the memory block content

◆ read_sensor() [1/2]

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::read_sensor ( const std::string &  key) const
pure virtual

Readback a global sensor given the name. The value returned is a string which can represent a boolean ("true"/"false"), an integer, or float.

keythe ID name of an available sensor
the current value of the sensor

◆ read_sensor() [2/2]

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::read_sensor ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  key 
) const
pure virtual

Readback a channel sensor given the name. The value returned is a string which can represent a boolean ("true"/"false"), an integer, or float.

channelan available channel on the device
keythe ID name of an available sensor
the current value of the sensor

◆ read_setting() [1/2]

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::read_setting ( const std::string &  key) const
pure virtual

Read an arbitrary setting on the device.

keythe setting identifier
the setting value

◆ read_setting() [2/2]

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::read_setting ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  key 
) const
pure virtual

Read an arbitrary channel setting on the device.

channelan available channel on the device
keythe setting identifier
the setting value

◆ read_uart()

virtual std::string gr::soapy::block::read_uart ( const std::string &  which,
long  timeout_us = 100000 
) const
pure virtual

Read bytes from a UART until timeout or newline. Its up to the implementation to set the baud rate, carriage return settings, flushing on newline.

whichthe name of an available UART
timeout_usa timeout in microseconds
an array of bytes read from the UART

◆ set_antenna()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_antenna ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name 
pure virtual

Set antenna for channel

channelan available channel
namean available antenna string name

◆ set_bandwidth()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_bandwidth ( size_t  channel,
double  bandwidth 
pure virtual

Set filter bandwidth

channelan available channel
bandwidthfilter width in Hz

◆ set_clock_source()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_clock_source ( const std::string &  clock_source)
pure virtual

Set the clock source

clock_sourcean available clock source

◆ set_dc_offset()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_dc_offset ( size_t  channel,
const gr_complexd dc_offset 
pure virtual

Set dc offset correction

channelan available channel
dc_offsetcomplex dc offset correction

◆ set_dc_offset_mode()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_dc_offset_mode ( size_t  channel,
bool  automatic 
pure virtual

Set DC offset mode

channelan available channel
automatictrue to set automatic DC removal

◆ set_frequency() [1/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_frequency ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name,
double  freq 
pure virtual

Set center frequency of a tunable element

channelan available channel
namean available element name
freqfrequency in Hz

◆ set_frequency() [2/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_frequency ( size_t  channel,
double  freq 
pure virtual

Set device center frequency

channelan available channel
freqfrequency in Hz

◆ set_frequency_correction()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_frequency_correction ( size_t  channel,
double  freq_correction 
pure virtual

Set frequency correction

channelan available channel
freq_correctionin PPM

◆ set_frontend_mapping()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_frontend_mapping ( const std::string &  frontend_mapping)
pure virtual

Set the frontend mapping of available DSP units to RF frontends. This mapping controls channel mapping and channel availability.

frontend_mappinga vendor-specific mapping string

◆ set_gain() [1/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_gain ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  name,
double  gain 
pure virtual

Set specific gain value

channelan available channel
namegain name to set
gaingain value

◆ set_gain() [2/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_gain ( size_t  channel,
double  gain 
pure virtual

Set overall gain The gain will be distributed automatically across available elements according to Soapy API.

channelan available channel
gainoverall gain value

◆ set_gain_mode()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_gain_mode ( size_t  channel,
bool  enable 
pure virtual

Set automatic gain control (AGC)

channelan available channel
enabletrue to enable AGC

◆ set_hardware_time()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_hardware_time ( long long  timeNs,
const std::string &  what = "" 
pure virtual

Write the time to the hardware clock on the device. The what argument can refer to a specific time counter.

timeNstime in nanoseconds
whatoptional argument

◆ set_iq_balance()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_iq_balance ( size_t  channel,
const gr_complexd iq_balance 
pure virtual

Set IQ balance correction

channelan available channel
iq_balancecomplex iq balance correction

◆ set_iq_balance_mode()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_iq_balance_mode ( size_t  channel,
bool  automatic 
pure virtual

Set the automatic frontend IQ balance correction.

channelan available channel on the device
automatictrue for automatic correction

◆ set_master_clock_rate()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_master_clock_rate ( double  clock_rate)
pure virtual

Set master clock rate

clock_rateclock rate in Hz

◆ set_reference_clock_rate()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_reference_clock_rate ( double  rate)
pure virtual

Set the reference clock rate of the device.

ratethe clock rate in Hz

◆ set_sample_rate()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_sample_rate ( size_t  channel,
double  sample_rate 
pure virtual

Set sample rate

channelan available channel
sample_ratesamples per second

◆ set_time_source()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::set_time_source ( const std::string &  source)
pure virtual

Set the time source on the device

sourcethe name of a time source

◆ transact_spi()

virtual unsigned gr::soapy::block::transact_spi ( int  addr,
unsigned  data,
size_t  num_bits 
pure virtual

Perform a SPI transaction and return the result. Its up to the implementation to set the clock rate, and read edge, and the write edge of the SPI core. SPI slaves without a readback pin will return 0.

If the device contains multiple SPI masters, the address bits can encode which master.

addran address of an available SPI slave
datathe SPI data, num_bits-1 is first out
num_bitsthe number of bits to clock out
the readback data, num_bits-1 is first in

◆ write_gpio() [1/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_gpio ( const std::string &  bank,
unsigned  value 
pure virtual

Write the value of a GPIO bank.

bankthe name of an available bank
valuean integer representing GPIO bits

◆ write_gpio() [2/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_gpio ( const std::string &  bank,
unsigned  value,
unsigned  mask 
pure virtual

Write the value of a GPIO bank with modification mask.

bankthe name of an available bank
valuean integer representing GPIO bits
maska modification mask where 1 = modify

◆ write_gpio_dir() [1/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_gpio_dir ( const std::string &  bank,
unsigned  dir 
pure virtual

Write the data direction of a GPIO bank. 1 bits represent outputs, 0 bits represent inputs.

bankthe name of an available bank
diran integer representing data direction bits

◆ write_gpio_dir() [2/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_gpio_dir ( const std::string &  bank,
unsigned  dir,
unsigned  mask 
pure virtual

Write the data direction of a GPIO bank with modification mask. 1 bits represent outputs, 0 bits represent inputs.

bankthe name of an available bank
diran integer representing data direction bits
maska modification mask where 1 = modify

◆ write_i2c()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_i2c ( int  addr,
const std::string &  data 
pure virtual

Write to an available I2C slave. If the device contains multiple I2C masters, the address bits can encode which master.

addrthe address of the slave
dataan array of bytes write out

◆ write_register()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_register ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned  addr,
unsigned  value 
pure virtual

Write a register on the device given the interface name. This can represent a register on a soft CPU, FPGA, IC; the interpretation is up the implementation to decide.

namethe name of a available register interface
addrthe register address
valuethe register value

◆ write_registers()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_registers ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned  addr,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  value 
pure virtual

Write a memory block on the device given the interface name. This can represent a memory block on a soft CPU, FPGA, IC; the interpretation is up the implementation to decide.

namethe name of a available memory block interface
addrthe memory block start address
valuethe memory block content

◆ write_setting() [1/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_setting ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 
pure virtual

Write an arbitrary setting on the device. The interpretation is up the implementation.

keythe setting identifier
valuethe setting value

◆ write_setting() [2/2]

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_setting ( size_t  channel,
const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 
pure virtual

Write an arbitrary channel setting on the device. The interpretation is up the implementation.

channelan available channel on the device
keythe setting identifier
valuethe setting value

◆ write_uart()

virtual void gr::soapy::block::write_uart ( const std::string &  which,
const std::string &  data 
pure virtual

Write data to a UART device. Its up to the implementation to set the baud rate, carriage return settings, flushing on newline.

whichthe name of an available UART
dataan array of bytes to write out

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: